Learning to learn mathematics! Or how best to revise

What is the best way to learn for a test or exam?

Here is a link to the first of two podcasts on how to learn mathematics (well actually anything). This first episode was recorded while I was working at AMSI with a colleague, Helen Booth, a few years ago and has just been released. The second episode will be recorded soon and will build on the ideas discussed here.


If you enjoy the episode please rate and review and subscribe to listen to more great ideas on learning mathematics.

MathsTalk from AMSI Schools


Ideas for revising

Here is a summary of some of the ideas and resources mentioned:

Routine – create a routine. Learn at the same time of day, in the same place. Find a place where you feel comfortable and make it your own. Have everything you need for learning at hand. It could be in your home, a library or somewhere in school.

Break learning into small chunks – little and often is better (more sticky) than trying to cram a whole topic in a short time.

Mix topics and subjects – sometimes moving on to something else ca help whe you are feeling stuck or overwhelmed by a topic.

Start learning early – spreading learning over time is more effective, in terms of long term memory than cramming.

Be active – reading and highlighting is not revising! Make notes, rephrase notes, use flashcards, do problems/past papers.

Study with others – studying with others is a great way to learn. Whether you work as a group or just work side-by-side. Having others around you creates an atmosphere for learning and improves concentration.

Pomodoro technique

The pomodoro technique is a great way to focus learning/studying. The basic steps are listed below.

The pomodoro technique:

  1. Decide on a small goal (do two problems, make notes on one topic)
  2. Remove all distractions (phone, TV, other people)
  3. Set a timer for 20 – 25 minutes
  4. During that time concentrate on your goal
  5. At the end of the time give yourself a reward (drink, food, walk, phone or TV time)
  6. Repeat the process 2 or 3 more times.


Learning how to learn – A link to Barbra Oakley’s website and to resources from the book Learning how to learn.

Study Stream – learn (online) with others!

Making and using flashcards – how to make and then use flashcards effectively

Pomodoro timer – a timer to help you manage your Pomodoro sessions